Friday, 30 June 2017

Interesting Facts About Galaxies


        A Galaxy is a huge mass of stars, nebulae, and interstellar material. The smallest galaxies contain about 100, 000 stars, while the largest contain up to 3, 000 billion stars. There are three main types of galaxy, classified according to their shape: elliptical, which are oval shaped; spiral, which has arms spiraling outwards from a central bulge and irregular, which have no obvious shape. Sometimes, the shape of a galaxy is distorted by a collision with another galaxy. Quasars are thought to be galactic nuclei but are so far away that their exact nature is still uncertain. They are compact, highly luminous objects in the outer reaches of the known Universe: while the furthest known "ordinary" galaxies are about 12 billion light years away, the furthest known quasar is about 13 billion light year away. Active galaxies, such as Seyfert galaxies and radio galaxies, emit intense radiation. In a Seyfert galaxy, this radiation comes from the galactic nucleus; in a radio galaxy, it also comes from huge lobes on either side of the galaxy. The radiation from active galaxies and quasars is thought to be caused by material falling into central black holes.

Anatomy of the Universe


         The UNIVERSE CONTAINS EVERYTHING that exists, from the tiniest subatomic particles to galactic superclusters. Nobody knows how big the Universe is, but astronomers estimate that it contains at least 125 billion galaxies, each comprising an average of 100 billions stars. The most widely accepted theory about the origin of the Universe is the Big Bang theory, which states that the Universe came into being in a huge explosion - the Big Bang - that took place between 10 and 20 billion years ago. The Universe initially consisted of a very hot, dense fireball of expanding, cooling gas. After about one million years, the gas began to condense into localized clumps called protogalaxies. During the next five billion years, the protogalaxies continued condensing, forming galaxies in which stars were being born. Today, billions of years later, the Universe as a whole is still expanding, although there are localized areas in which objects are held together by gravity; for example, many galaxies are found in clusters. The Big Bang theory is supported by the discovery of faint, cool background radiation coming evenly from all directions. This radiation is believed to be Bing Bang. Small "ripples" in the temperature of the cosmic background radiation are thought to be evidence of slight fluctuations in the density of the early Universe, which resulted in the formation of galaxies. Astronomers do not yet know if the Universe is "closed", which means it will eventually stop expanding and begin to contract, or if it is "open", which means it will continue expanding forever. 

Friday, 19 May 2017

General Knowledge Set - 2

1. In which state has highest child labor in India?

Answer: Uttar Pradesh 

2. When is the World Disabled Day observed?

Answer: March 15

3. Which gas is present more in the atmosphere?

Answer: Nitrogen 78%

4. What is the another name of cosmic years?

Answer:  Galactic year

5. What is the duration of cosmic years?

Answer:  250 million terrestrial years.

6. Which is the smallest flowering plant?

Answer: Wolffia

7. Which is the biggest star in the sky?

Answer: VY Canis Majoris

8. When was the telephone first used in India?

Answer: 1882

9. How many chromosomes are present in the human cell?

Answer: 23 pairs

10. Which is the hottest planet in the solar system?

Answer: Venus. 

Friday, 28 April 2017

General Knowledge Set - 1

1. How many years once the Commonwealth Game held?

Answer: 4 years.

2. Which organization announced the  Western Ghats are the World Heritage Sites?

Answer: UNESCO

3. Where is the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute located?

Answer: Darjeeling

4. In which year first Olympic game started?

Answer: 1896

5. Which country issued the first Christmas stamp?

Answer: Austria

6. Which country originating the term Quisling?

Answer: Norway

7. Which star does not change its position in the night sky?

Answer: Polaris Star

8. Which gives information about the cells in a patient's blood?

Answer: Blood Count

9. Which country used the cowry shells, or copies of the shells as currency?

Answer: China

10. Where was the longest duration rainbow visible in the sky?

Answer: North Wales (3  hours)

Historical Event on December 29

Remembrance on December 29: International Event:  1782 - First nautical almanac in the U.S. published by Samuel Stearns. 1845 - Texas consid...